

"En ik zeg zelfs: ieder die in woede tegen zijn broeder of zuster tekeergaat, zal zich moeten verantwoorden voor het gerecht. Wie tegen hen "Nietsnut!" zegt, zal zich moeten verantwoorden voor het Sanhedrin. Wie "Dwaas!" zegt, zal voor het vuur van de Gehenna komen te staan."
Matt. 5:22

"Wees niet bang voor hen die wel het lichaam maar niet de ziel kunnen doden. Wees liever bang voor hem die in staat is én ziel én lichaam om te laten komen in de Gehenna." Matt. 10:28

"Als je rechteroog je op de verkeerde weg brengt, ruk het dan uit en werp het weg. Je kunt immers beter een van je lichaamsdelen verliezen dan dat heel je lichaam in de Gehenna geworpen wordt." Matt. 5:29

"Toen werden de dood en het dodenrijk [Grieks: Hades] in de vuurpoel [Grieks: Gehenna] gegooid. Dit is de tweede dood: de vuurpoel." Opb. 21:14


“And death and Hades were sent into the lake of fire, the second death.” Now this is what is called Gehenna, which the Lord called “eternal fire.” Irenaeus (c. 180, E/W), 1.566.

If we threaten Gehenna, which is a reservoir of secret fire under the earth for purposes of punishment, we have in the same way derision heaped on us. Tertullian (c. 197, W), 3.52.

I found that Gehenna was mentioned in the Gospel as a place of punishment. So I searched to see whether it is mentioned anywhere in the ancient Scriptures. I did this particularly because the Jews use the word, too. I ascertained the places where the valley of the son of Hinnom was mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures. It was called both the valley of Hinnom and also Gehenna. Continuing my research, I found that what was called Gehenna or the valley of Hinnom was included in the lot of the tribe of Benjamin, in which Jerusalem also was situated. . . . I found a certain confirmation of what is said regarding the place of punishment, intended for the purification of such souls as are to be purified by torments, in accord with the saying: “The Lord comes like a refiner’s fire, and like fullers’ soap. And he will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver and of gold.” It is in the precincts of Jerusalem, then, that punishments will be inflicted upon those who undergo the process of purification. These are those who have received the elements of wickedness into the substance of their souls. . . . But the remarks that might be made on this topic are neither to be made to everyone, nor to be spoken on the present occasion. For there is some danger to committing to writing the explanation of such subjects. For the multitude need no further instruction than that which relates to thepunishment of sinners. To ascend beyond this is not expedient, on account of those who are restrained with difficulty from plunging into any degree of wickedness—even by the fear of eternal punishment.
Origen (c. 248, E), 4.584, 585.

Zie ook:
Cyprian (c. 250, W), 5.464, 465.
Treatise on the Glory of Martyrdom (c. 255, W), 5.584.

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