
Lasteren, roddelen, kletspraat

Laat alle wrok en drift en boosheid varen, alle geschreeuw en gevloek, en alle kwaadaardigheid. Ef. 4:31

You shall not go about as a talebearer among your people. Lev. 19:16.

A talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter. Prov. 11:13.

Remind them . . . to speak evil of no one. Tit. 3:2.


Speak evil of no one, nor listen with pleasure to anyone who speaks evil of another. But if you listen, you will partake of the sin of the one who speaks evil—if you believe the slander which you hear. Hermas (c. 150, W), 2.20.

We should keep pure from calumnious reports. To such things, the ears of those who have believed in Christ should be inaccessible. It appears to me that it is for this reason that the Instructor does not permit us to say anything that is unseemly. Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E), 2.251.

And let not men, therefore, spend their time in barbers’ shops and taverns, babbling nonsense. And let them give up hunting for the women who sit near, and ceaselessly talking slander against many in order to raise a laugh. Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E), 2.289.

Tale-bearers are accursed. Cyprian (c. 250, W), 5.555.

From where did this malice of lying and deceit towards man—and slandering of God—originate? Most certainly not from God! For He made the angel good after the fashion of His good works. Indeed, before he became the devil, he stood forth as the wisest of creatures. And wisdom is no evil. If you turn to the prophecy of Ezekiel, you will at once realize that this angel was good by creation. It was by choice that he became corrupt. For in the person of the prince of Tyre, it says things in reference to the devil. Tertullian (c. 207, W), 3.305.

How is it that you are not ashamed to slander the reputation of our women? After all, you have so many poetesses whose productions are mere trash. You have innumerable prostitutes and worthless men. Tatian (c. 160, E), 2.79.

The deacons should be blameless before the face of His righteousness. They must be the servants of God and Christ, not of men. They must not be slanderers, double-tongued, or lovers of money. Rather, they must be temperate in all things—compassionate, industrious, walking according to the truth of the Lord. Polycarp (c. 135, E), 1.34.

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