
Afgescheiden van de wereld

Hier, en de specifieke onderwerpen in de onderliggende tabs, laten we zien hoe God via Jezus Christus ons leren om afgescheiden te leven van de wereld om ons heen. Tevens laten de citaten van de eerste christenen ons zien hoe zij dat in de praktijk toepasten en begrepen.


"Zij zijn niet van de wereld, zoals Ik niet van de wereld ben." Joh. 17:16

"U moet uzelf niet aanpassen aan deze wereld, maar veranderen door uw gezindheid te vernieuwen, …" Rom. 12:2

"Daarom zegt de Heer: Ga weg bij de ongelovigen, zonder je van hen af en raak niets aan dat onrein is. Dan zal ik jullie aannemen en jullie vader zijn, en jullie mijn zonen en dochters - zegt de almachtige Heer.’" 1 Kor. 6:17,18

"Voor God, de Vader, is alleen dit reine, zuivere godsdienst: weduwen en wezen bijstaan in hun nood, en je in acht nemen voor de wereld en onberispelijk blijven." Jak. 1:27

"Trouwelozen! Beseft u dan niet dat vriendschap met de wereld vijandschap jegens God betekent? Wie bevriend wil zijn met de wereld, maakt zich tot vijand van God." Jak. 4:4

"Heb de wereld en wat in de wereld is niet lief. Als iemand de wereld liefheeft, is de liefde van de Vader niet in hem, want alles wat in de wereld is - zelfzuchtige begeerte, afgunstige inhaligheid, pronkzucht -, dat alles komt niet uit de Vader voort maar uit de wereld. De wereld met haar begeerte gaat voorbij, maar wie Gods wil doet blijft tot in eeuwigheid." 1 Joh. 2:15-17

Zie ook:

Joh. 17:14
1 Kor. 7:31
2 Tim. 4:10
2 Pet. 2:20


This world and the next are two enemies. . . . We cannot therefore be the friends of both. Second Clement (c. 150), 7.518.

He continues, “You know that you who are the servants of God dwell in a strange land. For your city is far away from this one. If, then, you know your city in which you are to dwell, why do you here provide lands, and make expensive preparations, and accumulate dwellings and useless buildings? He who makes such preparations for this city cannot return again to his own. . . . Do you not understand that all these things belong to another, and are under the power of another? . . . Take note, therefore. As one living in a foreign land, make no further preparations for yourself than what is merely sufficient. And be ready to leave this city, when the master of this city will come to cast you out for disobeying his law.
Hermas (c. 150, W), 2.31.

Refrain from much business, and you will never sin, for those who are occupied with much business commit also many sins. For they are distracted about their affairs, and they are not serving their Lord at all. Hermas (c. 150, W), 2.33.

Your [pagan] public assemblies I have come to hate. For there are excessive banqueting, subtle flutes that provoke people to lustful movements, useless and luxurious anointings, and crownings with garlands. Justin Martyr (c. 160, E), 1.272.

I do not wish to be a king. I am not anxious to be rich. I decline military command. I detest fornication. I am not impelled by an insatiable love of gain to go to sea. I do not contend for chaplets. I am free from a mad thirst for fame. I despise death. I am superior to every kind of disease. Grief does not consume my soul. If I am a slave, I endure servitude. If I am free, I do not boast about my good birth. . . . Die to the world, repudiating the madness that is in it! Live to God! Tatian (c. 160, E), 2.69.

If you are superior to the passions, you will scorn all worldly things. Tatian (c. 160, E), 2.73.

Christ has not merely related to us a story about a poor man and a rich one. Rather, He has taught us some things: In the first place, He has taught that no one should lead a luxurious life. No one should live in worldly pleasures and perpetual feasting. No one should be the slave of his lusts and forget God. Irenaeus (c. 180, E/W), 1.464.

We have no country on earth. Therefore, we can disdain earthly possessions. Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E), 2.281.

If you would loose, withdraw, and separate your soul from the delight and pleasure that is in this life (for this is what the cross means), you will possess it. It will be found resting in the looked-for hope. Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E), 2.371.

Zie ook:

Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E), 2.374.
Tertullian (c. 197, W), 3.44, 46, 101, 547, 694. 
Tertullian (c. 197, W), 4.24.
Origen (c. 245, E), 9.485.
Cyprian (c. 250, W), 5.279, 432, 475, 535, 536. 
Treatise on the Glory of Martyrdom (c. 255, W), 5.586.
Apostolic Constitutions (compiled c. 390, E), 7.424.

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